Thank you for always being the person we can count on for accurate information, Jeff.

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You are the type of politician this country so desperately needs. Thank you for your calm and steady work. Good luck to everyone affected. Donating to help from OR.

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Thank you. I have been disheartened by the right accusations that NC has not had the help needed implying that the current administration is slow to respond. Your post will dispel that myth. Glad you are one of my contribution targets.

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If you expect a newsletter from a politician to not be about “politics” — time to find a knitting newsletter.

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Please cut the right and left stuff out. Now is not the time for those of us in the middle of this blivet

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It is important to know who is preventing our government from functioning properly. That allows one to make an educated vote .

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Each party contributes to government failure

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Not when I have no power nor water

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I pray you get power and clean water very, very soon. I was almost killed in the #may8tornadooutbreak and our house was declared a total loss. I understand the hopelessness and complete frustration.

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I understand your impulse for people to leave politics out of this, but when people on the right, including the republican presidential candidate, are spreading misinformation about the response to desperate people in need, those lies need to be called out and corrected. It's not Joyce's fault that this is happening.

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You did exactly what you shouldn't have done. Added politics.

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No. I didn't add politics, Arnold. That was done by republicans who've been spreading misinformation about the response at a time when we should be putting politics aside. Pointing that out in order to correct the record isn't 'adding politics.'

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In Katrina - we sent the 82nd airborne in for emergency supplies and airlifts. This is a much Bigger geographic area. Why would the govt NOT ado it this time ? Both parties have faults. Both have good points

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and your expertise is what? Where did you get your information to know that republicans are spreading misinformation and are you sure your information is correct? or are you just spouting off because you hate republicans because that's what it sounds like because you did not present any facts.

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What expertise is required to listen to the news? Just one example, the former president continued to spread the lie that President Biden hasn't even contacted GA Gov. Brian Kemp about assistance to that state - hours AFTER Gov. Kemp had already issued a statement thanking the president for his help.

And, no, I don't 'hate republicans.' My late mom and dad were both life-long conservatives republicans. So, please, just stop.

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It is necessary to let us know if someone or some thing is keeping people desperate for help from getting the help needed. Why on earth would they not support this cause. I would want to know. Call it what you want. I don’t care which side it is. Despicable!! Let’s ALL help in any way we can.

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Right flank is an accurate description of the congress people that stand in the way of voting on the federal budgeting and of late, the ones that that work to obstruct keeping the government running. I’d say next time maybe JJ can list them by name - they’d still be the right flank.

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The less “Right vs Left “ there is -The Better !!! USA is one country. Politics need to work more as One too.

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I think that is what is trying to be said. It isn’t working as one when half are t belping and supporting those who are desperate for help.

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He cant help it..hes latched on to the right flank handle. He didnt mention where Joe was on the Beach

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Sep 30Liked by Jeff Jackson

Grateful beyond words for you and your team. This is the first concrete information we’ve heard that help is actually coming. Bless you, Jeff, and thank you so much.

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Help is definitely coming. I just spoke with the regional FEMA director. Everything is moving your way.

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Thank you Jeff. It breaks my heart when I see the total destruction of our beautiful mountain communities. Here in Charlotte & I'm sure all over NC, everyday people are donating supplies that are being sent up to Western NC. I was in Sam's to buy water & cleaning supplies to donate & the place was manic with others doing the same thing. The people of NC will do our part, we need Congress to do theirs.

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Thank you for always keeping us informed and for your calm and professional assurances.

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Someone in Gov Coopers office needs to set up a plan NOW, for these people to be able to VOTE. As crazy as that seams we really need Asheville !!!

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That’s a GREAT point. Governor Cooper, are you listening? Are you making these plans?

There’s no way the gargantuan mess in the mountains will be cleaned up, temporary polling places set up and other creative workarounds, roads cleared and restored so voters can get to their polling places, precinct workers located and put in place, and families restored to their homes before Election Day.

We DO definitely need the vote from Asheville and environs in order to turn NC blue!

Please, Rep. Jackson, try hard to convey this urgency to the governor!

—Scott Verner

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Thank you so much for this information and for always being able to get accurate reports from you. Looking forward to voting for you.

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So. It seems the “right wing”, the very same who blocked a bi-partisan border bill, are now intent on depriving US citizens disaster relief? Well well well. Who would a thought /s

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I live in Polk County North Carolina and we do not have food or water and need help. Would love for someone to get us food and water so we can get it to the ones that are desperately in. Need sad to say that this is going to be turned into political issue when all of these people are in such desperate measures.

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My prayers are with you. I lost my house and almost my lifein the #may8tornadooutbreak I understand the frustration and hopelessness.

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Do away with Right vs Left and do what’s right. Work Together.

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Tell that to the right and their presidential candidate.

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Tell that to both sides. They both fan the flames.

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Thanks for being you.

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Jeff Jackson's report is succinct, and it contains extremely useful information. Thank you for the detailed non-political report.

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Please continue communicating about how we who are outside of WNC can help those in need.

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Ditto that.

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Sep 30·edited Sep 30

This is a nightmare, Jeff. My dearest friend of over 20 years has been unreachable for days. I finally called the non-emergency Asheville PD and requested a wellness check. They informed me they will send a patrol officer as soon as one is available. Communications are sketchy right now. I have no idea where she is or even if her house is still standing.

Thank you for the update, as always.

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You sir are an officer, a gentleman and a breath of fresh air in politics!

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Thank you for always keeping us well-informed about what matters!

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We're going to miss you so much in the U.S. Congress, and keeping our fingers crossed to have you here as our AG!! Thank you for the update, reposted your FB post too.

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