You had me at"I'm the one in the dark suit.” I came here to unsubscribe. Now I have a password! How did that happen? Just a really well written, engaging newsletter that I read once and now want to find out what happens next week! As a long time branding person in Silicon Valley, I know how unusual to create that kind of 0 to 100 engagement from someone across the country from you. But you did it!

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That's kind of you - much appreciated. As a rule, I try not to write anything I wouldn't personally want to read. I take asking for your attention seriously. Many thanks.

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I’m a fan and just wish, a constituent. I happen to be in Chuck Edwards district. That said, I attended your Henderson County town hall and loved everything about the way you’ve approached the whole business of staying in touch with North Carolina and not necessarily your district.

Hang in there. I’m looking for good things to happen because of you; not in spite of if you get my drift.

All the best to you and your family not only for the holidays but for the coming year.


Sarah Wall

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I got to know Chuck in the state Senate, where he and I served together. I can say this for him: He's a huge step up from Madison Cawthorn. I've had some pleasant conversations with him and I think he's a serious, honest person. We're just going to disagree on some stuff.

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Speaking of Madison, Do you know if he ever turned over the client claims he was holding from Chuck?

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I want to hear about house-hunting, and how tough it was to find a place to live.

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Plenty of available apartments, but the rates are very high. I found a 1-bedroom that's about a 20 minute walk from that Capitol building and the rent is more than my mortgage in Charlotte for our 4-bedroom home. Family is donating their unused pots/pans/etc., but honestly it can't hold much furniture so getting it outfitted should be pretty inexpensive.

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After hearing stories about the sticker shock congress critters get when they find themselves apartment hunting in D.C., why it is that Congress doesn't simply buy an apartment block for use by members of Congress who can't afford better accommodations.

I understand Congress is paid "fairly well"--but it's not "two household money with an apartment in one of the most expensive real estate markets in America" money.

I guess it's one of those things that wouldn't play well on TV. 🤷‍♂️

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Hi Jeff, I was wondering if you had any plans or opinions on how we can stop the N.C state legislature from creating an illegal gerrymander that gets rids of the historic even split between party's delegation in the 2022 midterm? I worry that since the N.C Supreme court went to the right that illegal gerrymanders will be allowed again in 2023 and beyond. Is there anything congress could pass or is it pretty much a given at this point?

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Setting aside the possibility of a ruling from the Supreme Court that gives total power to state legislatures, there is something Congress could do: It could pass the anti-gerrymandering legislation that was included in the For the People Act. It would only apply to congressional redistricting, but that would be a huge improvement over the status quo. I plan on making my support for this type of legislation a very early priority in this next Congress, although I'm not unrealistic about its prospects for gaining any Republican support.

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Oh, I agree wholeheartedly. Frankly, Mr Cawthorn should be investigated for closing his offices down early but no doubt collecting his paycheck.

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Jeff, you're not congressperson for my district but I followed you on twitter (RIP) during the campaign and pulled for you. I love this idea, congrats on embracing transparency and the platform du jour. Seems like there likely to be no shortage of content to share! All the best.

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"on twitter (RIP)" LMAO you absolutely hilarious salty liberal losers, throwing toddler-grade tantrums because your insane woke allies are no longer in control of that place

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So refreshing to see a young, committed man who obviously wants to do a good job and wants to keep up with and inform those who voted for him! In all my 80 years, I've never experienced this! Please keep the updates coming !

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Terrific newsletter, Jeff. I love the honesty and humility. Keep it up.

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My liberal friends and I would be happy to brainstorm with you, if you would bring someone along to take notes. I’m in South Asheville.

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Great newsletter, Jeff, and it’s clear we have elected the right person to Congress. I look forward to your updates! Good luck in DC!

Thank you for serving!

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The IT comments are hysterical. I’m so glad you all are together for Christmas. God knows, NC needs you there to —ahem!—balance things out. Best wishes from Greensboro!

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This was outstanding. I'm in CO but ended up on your list; unlike 99% of such lists, I'm actually eager to stay on. Keep it up!

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That's high praise, thanks. I'll try to keep the quality high enough to be worth your time, all the way from Colorado.

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Thank you for your open letter. I appreciate a politician that is open and honest. I enjoy a legislator that keeps his/her constituents informed of what is going on and what they are doing about it.

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I'm 74 yo and living the retired life in AZ. You are a breath of fresh air that I didn't know I needed until I found your TikToks! Oh my gosh! I learned more from you on how congress works than I have from any other source! Keep up the good work. You will go far! Thank you!

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Thanks for the opportunity to subscribe, Congressman Jackson. For the first time since I've moved here, I'm optimistic about our prospects as Democrats.

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I don't live in your district and didn't have an opportunity to vote for you. Yet, I believe you will represent all North Carolinians well. I really appreciate the opportunity to see your congressional service through your newsletter. Thank you for writing it. Best wishes to you and your family.

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