I am so going to miss your emails. No one does what you do, and I wish I were a constituent; I’d fight for you in your next office. Thank you for putting us in the room where it happened. What a loss to the USHR.

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Feb 9Liked by Jeff Jackson

It might be a long email but I’ve been looking forward to it all week. As I read the news I kept thinking “I can’t wait to read what Jeff Jackson has to say about all this.” Thanks for the great updates!

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I hope a dysfunctional house is not being normalized. It's clear that the GOP/MAGA wants the southern border and immigration as a campaign issue and they do not intend to resolve it. Of course, this gives the term "hypocrite" a new, even more cynical and disturbing meaning. This is not the America most of us want.

Jeff, we're dependending on you and good, sensible people like you to make America a full democracy (but not "again", because it never truly has been, yet). Keep up the good fight, please!

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I am disgusted with Republican behavior. Republicans asked for and worked on the immigration bill but refused to vote for it because Trump doesn't want it. You are now all members of the Trumpican party and I won't vote for any of you until you fix that.

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I LOVE your long emails--they give me background details I want in order to understand what is happening on the floor and are Not too long! Thanks!

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Thanks Jeff for the update! Thanks for the hard facts of behind the scenes! What a poor state our Country is in! We need many more like you!

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Super excited to have you as Attorney General. We need common sense in that office. Look at the destruction that Texas has because of an unqualified and unhinged bigot posing as attorney general. I know you will be the perfect replacement for Josh.

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Hi Jeff! I 100%+ appreciate your straight up informative emails! I read ALL of them ALL of the time!

On a side note: As I live and breathe, I do not know how anyone keeps their sanity (if they had any sanity joining Congress which I’ve already declared there are inpatients running the asylum…the Cuckoo’s Nest needs to check for missing inpatients) as a reasonable Democrat in Congress.

I applaud you for keeping and sharing an objective and honest view when those around you are saturated with winning regardless of the real mission.

I’m 79 years old living on a fixed income with not a lot of discretionary funds left over each month. IF I had deeper pockets, I would contribute a most generous amount to your campaign! What I can do is VOTE! I will be voting for you as Attorney General. I just hope I live long enough to vote for you as President of the United States of America!

Jeff, you keep on keeping on! I’m with you!

Patsy B. Hawkins

Proud Democrat

Guilford County

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When a wise man speaks truth, the email can be as long as he needs … staffers be damned.

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Still trying to wrap my head around how the Nixon tapes sunk Nixon and his VP was too crooked to take his place yet the Secretary of State in Georgia has Trump on tape, as president, trying to strong arm him into stealing the exact number of votes he would need to flip the state. If this doesn’t disqualify Trump from ever holding office I don’t know what more would be needed.

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Jeff Jackson, you need to do "fireside chats" (maybe using You Tube?) and share these conversations live with everyone thru all the different social media like Facebook, Threads, Instagram, Twitter, Tik-Tok, etc. Your down-to-earth communications are what may get more young people and unaffiliated/independent voters to vote and join in keeping democracy alive!

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Feb 10Liked by Jeff Jackson

These emails are useful to get a calm, insider view of what is happening. My spouse and I both always read to the bottom. Common morning breakfast question: "Did you see the Jeff Jackson email?" We appreciate the insights.

I'm curious to see what these emails will look like when the focus is state politics. We are in NC, but my sense is this list has a national audience right now.

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Thank you for the update and for addressing my questions. Please keep up your good work.

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I too will miss you emails. I don't know how you are able to work with such idiots who obviously think nothing about their constituents only the politics. It is really disheartening. Best of luck in your primary.

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Thanks to the Republican legislature, I likely won't be able to vote in the primary or any other elections. I have previously voted by mail as I live alone in a sparsely populated area, and I no longer drive. I had someone who "carted me around", and, with the assistance of her husband, served as my witnesses for the mail-in vote. My poor friend has terminal cancer and is unable to help me. If the State required 1 witness, my mail woman could do it for me. But I have no way of getting two. I am very sure I am not the only person in rural NC with this problem, denied the right to vote due to disability and age. At 82, my people resources are drying up.This is not right! But our Legislature is determined to drive down the vote any way they can. Sorry, Jeff. I will still be able to donate however.

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I sorely wish that you represented the 7th district. Our 'Representative', Mr. Photo-op, does nothing for his constituents, the state, or the nation. He's an embarrassment.

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