I looked on your website and Facebook and didn't find a list of campaign stops and dates. I am a center right independent and very much appreciate your pragmatic approach and transparency. Keep up the good work!

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Spread the word. Jeff’s one of the good guys.

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Wish he’d run for President.

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Give him time and a bit of governing experience. AG is a step toward governorship, Senate then President BUT all that hinges on whether or not we, the voter, can hang on to our system of government that so many are intent on blowing up.

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I can’t stand the circus shows the dysfunctional members put on for their own ego & amusement, when the country needs serious governing & actions!

It is ridiculous that we allow such gamesmanship when people are literally dying, struggling, losing freedoms, fighting fascism, and being generally miserable in modern America.

I hope we get smart enough to fill in all of the gray and exploitable gaps in our executive branch (Trump exposed many) and in our candidacy eligibility. People who aren’t mentally or morally fit to housesit a geriatric cat shouldn’t be allowed to run for government!

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While I really hope you win your campaign for Attorney General, I will miss you email updates. I do not live in your state, but you are more open and upfront than any Representative I have ever heard from. I get a lot of negative updates from my own Rep, so find you very refreshing. I hope you have the future you desire.

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You appear to be a realist. I like that. Being in Raleigh, I am in the middle of the state, and I enjoy reading about your insights.

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It’s wild that the US blames the “Mexican Cartels” when the call is coming from inside the house this whole time within our own US drug manufacturers who rather have the American people on pills than to focus on sustainable health access. Affordable medications, out law additional sugar in our foods. The cartel of our US drug manufacturers is no different than the Mexican cartels. The only difference is an EIN number.

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Dude, your comment is so f'g REAL and savage. I LOVE IT!

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Another thing that is wild is that Mexico is the 2nd largest trading partner to the US next to China and the US continues to shoot themselves in the foot over and over. The US is big mad about that China will be using Mexico to build their factories to bypass sanctions. The US uses sanctions like a screaming temper tantrum toddler and the attitude is getting old and the world is not having it anymore (which is why BRICS was formed) The US is no longer the dominate economic power they once were 75 years ago and continues to double down on their denial. US once again bites the hands that feeds them.

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Nice to see some degree of cooperation and understanding between the two parties. Politics in general these days = Strange Animal. 🫣😀

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I know there’s no “one size fits all” when it comes to media. Some take their duty of honest and unbiased reporting seriously but, it must be said, there are others who seem to delight in driving wedges between people based on their ethnicity, their age, their income and whatever else they can find to divide people.

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As you finish your Term-- would you reflect on the Peaks and Valleys that we might not know about?

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Are you coming to Wilmington, NC? Date? We know people who'd want to hear you speak. We certainly want to meet and hear you. Love your newsletter email. Thanks for that! Judy and Dave Smith

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hi jeff, wanted to extend an invite to you. come out to our wear orange event to end gun violence in louisburg nc franklin county june 8 11-12:30 on the court house plaza. i remember your visit here underneath a park shelter when you were looking at a senate seat. would love to have you swing by again.

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To clean up the drug trade on the border, the significant number of "cartel associates" on our side have to be shut down. There are, sadly, way too many DEA, members of the border patrol and others who can not resist the huge amounts of money the drug business creates.

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Jeff -- it is invaluable to get these glimpses behind the curtain that you provide. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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Jeff, Thank you for your periodic communications about the activities in Congress. I wanted to come for the fundraiser today in Pinehurst, but have prior plans. I have sent a contribution on Act Blue. Thank you for your service.

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I've always liked your homey news letters.

I especially liked your observation about the reason the conservative wing of the majority party has been playing down their dog whistling theatrics

I hope when you win your election to Attorney General you will follow through with another news letter. Being an ex Californian moved to Phoeniz, I still get update letters from the California Attorney General Rob Bonita.

PS: Living in Phoenix I feel like it's open season for hunting down Democrats all the time.

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So basically, it is as we thought. All a show.

No accountability for anyone about anything.

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It always has been it’s just worse now than I’ve ever seen it before

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Registered Republican and staunch moderate... Can't tell you how much I appreciate your candor and your demeanor. Keep up the good work, you are earning my vote and hope to come out to see you if you are ever in Western NC.

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I really enjoyed your comments and description of the compromise needed to get things done in DC. I wish more of the Congressional Representatives and Senators would do the same.

Just a point that you may (or not) find amusing. You used the word toast to let us know that sometimes deals die. Any Idea where that expression comes from? As a student of both language and history, this is one thing I have learned. During WWII, Sometimes German soldiers would enter a room and demand the surrender of American troops by saying, "Hands up or you are dead!" in German that is, "Hände hoch oder du bist tot!"

TOT or Dead sounded like TOAST to most Americans! Hence Toast came to mean done or finished!

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