This won't be your last State of the Union, Jeff. You will be making your own, in the not-too-distant future!

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“I was tempted to put this up top, but…..” speaks exactly to who you are. Your description of what it meant to be in the Chamber was beautiful and displays more patriotism than any MAGA Trump flag. Congratulations on your win in NC.

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Mar 8·edited Mar 8

Congratulations Jeff. You deserved every vote you got. Now the fun begins. I sincerely hope the Democrats are prepared to run and run hard for you and Josh as well as every other Democrat on the ticket. Mark Robinson is one scary man who has absolutely no business anywhere near the Governor’s mansion. That he even got elected to the #2 position four years ago is a disgrace and I hope just a one off. The one good thing I’ve seen on my social media feeds is the push to show his virulent rhetoric to people and expose him for the outright danger he presents. It’s obvious he is a broken human to be promising such malevolence seemingly unaware of the fact that what he promotes would have nullified him as a human being within my lifetime. That still doesn’t mean he belongs in an office of power. NC needs vision, hope and above all else policies that promote prosperity for certainly, most. As AG you will have a lot on your shoulders keeping an equilibrium between the laws and business and certainly voting rights; all huge issues now. I’m an expat now but you will always have my financial, meager as it may be, support as long as you are running for office and working for the betterment of my beloved home state, North Carolina. GO HEELS!

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Thanks Jeff for your updates. Your efforts tonight to inform us of what’s going on in DC are commendable - and should be the standard not the exception.

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Kudos on the primary win and thanks for being our eyes and ears on the inside of the Hill these past two years. Soon, it will be back to our fertile imaginations as to how the sausage is being made up there! See you at the Zoom event, and onward to November!

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The SOTU was delivered with the energy, charisma, and brightness of another octogenarian with whom you're probably familiar: Mick Jagger. I hope more people now are convinced that democracy has a much better than fighting chance in November.

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Jeff: I delight in your sense and sensibility, and considering the opposing party, your sanity and intelligence. Your race for AG and Josh Stein’s for governor will be crucial in keeping NC from going over the cliff into MAGA madness, especially with the gerrymandering of the congressional seats. I have already contributed and will continue to do so. —Michael Sartisky, PhD

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Jeff congratulations. This is the most important election in my lifetime I believe. I am 70 years old. It is imperative that we get Biden reelected, keep the Senate and take back the House. This is a vital election for NC. I can’t believe that anyone could think Mark Robinson is worthy of being the governor of NC. As a retired teacher, I am appalled that the Republican candidate could ever be considered for the position of State School Superintendent. I look forward to seeing you become our next state Attorney General. That seems to be the path now to the Governor’s Mansion. Keep up the good work.

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I came here to say what others have already said in the comments. I am holding out hope that one day you will be the person making the date of the union address. Thinking about that truly gives me hope for the future of our country.

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Jaff as usual Thank you for the Update! I watched the State of The Union Last Night and thought President Biden did a great Job! I must say I will miss these updates after you are gone! I will be glad to have you as attorneys General of N C

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Onward & upward. We're counting on you and will help to the extent we can!

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Congratulations on your primary win!! May you also win the AG election !! Although I am not from NC I would be proud to vote for you if I were. Even thought you have just a few more months left in DC, I will say your substack is one of the few for which I read every post and I will miss your heartfelt and straightforward description of what really is going on, on the HILL. Thank you so very much. I will continue to follow you as long as you are posting.

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I want to thank you for your leadership. I read your post and you give me hope that all is not lost. I wish I could give more financial support but I give what I can. We live ina little blue dot surrounded by an ocean of red and there are many here pulling for you.

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I did watch the State of the Union last night and watched some replays this morning. Your comments made me even more reflective about last evening. I’m happy to hear your wife was present. I sincerely believe you have a special gift articulating your experiences in Washington. You have my vote.

Best to you and your family.

Claudia D

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Jeff, thanks for sharing your experience with us. Please send the link for us to support your campaign without going through ACT BLUE.

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Thanks for the consistent updates Jeff. Keep 'em coming!

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