Sep 20, 2023Liked by Jeff Jackson

As always - your commentary - your common sense - and your ability to even have little fun - make a positive difference in others lives. I could only wish / hope that you were our Congressman but am thankful that you are representing North Carolina.

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Thanks, very kind of you.

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And I hope he has the opportunity to continue to do so. Thank you, Jeff.

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A Member of Congress who not only knows but follows the rules. How refreshing!

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Jeff Jackson

Amazing. All morning as I've been reading CNN and the Washington Post I've been thinking, I need a Jeff newsletter right now. Bingo, I got it. Thank you. Unfortunately I do not feel any better about what is going on in the House. But thank you anyway.

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Thanks for always telling the truth to us. I'm still sad, from your last letter, about the Republicans redistricting you out of a job. Shows how successful you are but I wish we could keep great folks like you. And have a chance to elect others who want to serve the people, not themselves. I love your beaker experiment and appropriate use of the word hypothesis! Thank you from a retired NC public school teacher.

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"The Speaker had no choice". You always have a choice.

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Well yes, but McCarthy has painted himself into a corner for the sake of power. So he doesn't have a choice, in that he's a victim of his own choices (and his devil's bargain with the ultra-fascist wing of the GOP)

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Again, with great respect, McCarthy is continuing to CHOOSE, and continues to have a choice between choosing power versus not wreaking havoc on his country, its people and people around the world. He's not a victim. He just doesn't want to choose to give up power, no matter the cost, the harm. He is a venal, selfish person.

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You missed my point, friend. He has/had a choice, but that choice left him with no choices in the end.

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You always manage to convey a shared frustration with the GOP's capacity to trip over its own tongue and abdicate its duty to govern in favor of individual self-promotion, and you do so with such an even-handed observational elan that I can only envy. As you are likely to be gerrymandered out of office next year, I can only hope you will run for US Senate in 2026

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And if you run for the Senate, I will happily donate to your campaign!

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I wish there was a love reaction, because I love your use of "elan" in this comment. (I was an English major--words are my thing) :D

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Thanks for giving us real news. It is sure more interesting and helpful then over sensational news. It is nice to be treated respectfully . You are very much appreciatiated.

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As always, thanks for insightful commentary. The way to shutdown the crazies is to hit them where it hurts, their pocketbooks. If there is a shutdown, shouldn't that take away their paychecks? Shutdown their air travel because FAA is government and air controllers are government. Etc. Etc.

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So is it going to be par for the course for every president to get impeached now? I feel like we’re headed there, if we’re not already. Obviously there has to be merit for such a thing but it looks like there is going to be a lot of looking under rugs and setting traps for making evidence of impeachment worthy stature to ‘emerge’. Also, cool stuff on the Bill Nye front. Keep up the transparency, I’d vote for you if I could here in Ohio.

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always appreciate your communications. Such a straightforward style. Keep up the great work !!!

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It is a sad commentary on the House GOP's extreme right flank that they think they deserve to be able to govern as a minority. It is a sad commentary on the rest of the House GOP that they are allowing the extreme right flank to persist in that delusion.

Thank you for your insights, Congressman. I wish I'd been there to see you meet Bill Nye. But I prefer Diet Dr Pepper to tea. :-)

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I'm so glad your commentaries are back.

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Man, that Bill Nye story couldn't have been better if it'd been Carl Sagan reaching out from his tesserac... Keep up the great work (and newsletters)!

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And yes, Sagan is alive and well in the 4th dimension...🤯

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I thought he was chilling in the 8th Dimension with Buckaroo Banzai.

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Indeed Mr. Jackson, you are proving to be the kind of person/politician that we need more of in this country. However, the critical issue right now is how do we bring some semblance of civility and more important, a group of elected officials, who together, do the "right thing" for our country? I have never seen this country, at least in my lifetime, in such a disorganized, unprofessional mess. Help us, first as citizens of North Carolina as well as the USA coalesce into a formidable group that has the means and tools to make change happen.

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Thanks for being sane!

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Glad you are back! Common sense as some others have said and so much fun! Thank you as always!

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