Jeff, I hope you have both the aspiration and the stomach for a bigger role in our government. You are someone who can and does make a big difference in the current morass. Lead on!

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Have followed you for years. Not a member of your party, and I don't even live in NC anymore.

But I've always respected you, especially the way you communicate directly and clearly with the public.

Long for the days of principled disagreements in politics, and your example can help bring that back.

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I agree. I want disagreements on how to solve problems that lead to well thought out compromises. We are not enemies, we are neighbors.

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I agree with you. Compromise is not a four letter word, and it's the best way for the majority to include the minority in decisions. Unfortunately, with the current GOP, in order for them to win (which they'll do at any cost), the other side has to lose. The beauty of democracy is that the whole is so much greater than the sum of its parts, but only when the parts are working to keep it.

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hey Bob, it's interesting that as I read your comment I would have said exactly the same thing you did but I would have substituted the word Democrats instead of the GOP. Hummm, this makes me think It would be enlightening to get together for a cup of coffee to have a friendly and fair discussion about how we each could arrive at such opposite conclusions. I'll buy!

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Tempting! You might want to take a stroll thru my Substack first.

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Bob, thanks for your reply. I didn't think of checking your substack. I'm new to the substack world. I'll have a look at what you've written and if I have any questions or comments I'll get back to you. thanks for the suggestion... you just saved me the cost of a coffee!!! :)

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I look forward to it.

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What a good example you are!

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Thanks Jeff for being the voice of reason.

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I sure wish you were running for President this year! You may be new, but you have intelligence, class, respect and honesty! Something we definitely need in a President and unfortunately, lacking in our current candidates! They’re both too old on top of everything else!

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Yes, Jeff for President! It's interesting how Politics will change you, look at JD Vance or watch the movie Hillbilly Elegy which chronicles his life growing up in a poor town. In 2016 he hated Trump, and thought about working with Hilary. Now he's changed all his views and is extreme right. Don't let Politics Change you Jeff, keep it real!

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I was thinking something very similar, Ross. Rep. Jackson is not my Congressman (I live in the 4th) but his are the only political newsletters I look forward to reading, and read them from beginning to end. He gets my vote for AG this year, and yes - I too think he has "the right stuff" for the biggest job in the country.

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Well stated!

We are so fortunate to have you in government.

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Thank you! I admire and appreciate your honesty, truth-telling and approach to our currently dysfunctional political climate. We need many more young, engaged, decent and honorable people to step up and lead our country out of this dark period we are in. This election approaching is truly a watershed moment in our democracy.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15

Some of us are old enough to remember the JFK assassination, followed by the MLK assassination, followed by the RFK assassination, so while this event was bad, very bad, it's not nearly the darkest time this country has faced. However, the string of assassinations and attempted assassinations, just in my lifetime, show that your concern about retaliation is well placed. That said, we need to keep our wits about us and a healthy dose of perspective along with it.

Thanks for your calm, measured response to this situation, Jeff. You are truly a public servant.

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I was working in the Congress for all three. It was beyond shocking....many of us were in despair. I woke up from nightmares all Sat. nite. I pray we can return to civil discourse with those with whom we disagree. Murder is NOT the answer.

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Political assassinations are acts of cowardice and domestic terrorism. The people who promote, condone or incite violence against their political opponents are responsible when someone acts on their incitements.

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Why does the USA invade, bomb, occupy other countries? Why does not Congress and the White House look at itself as an example? And you say Murder is NOT the answer. The answer is that what is happening is a TRUE Reflection of the USA military adventures all over the World.

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My condolences to someone else who sees the obvious. How can so many be so willfully blind?

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Why does Russia ? It’s really so sad, Syria, Ukraine, Afghanistan . I wish people could see …

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You are a class act, Jeff. All we need are 434 others with a modicum of your integrity, intelligence, and commitment to the principles upon which this nation was founded.

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Jeff, thank you so much for your "just the facts" approach. As a person in my 70's, I will just say that my generation lived through (and survived) a shocking period of political assassinations in the 1960s with the murders of President Kennedy, presidential candidate Robert Kennedy, and Martin Luther King, Jr. There were a lot of conspiracy theories and counter conspiracy theories then too, but without the superspreader powers of social media.

You're right, we will get through it. Our job is to stick with the facts, share them responsibly, and help our allies to do that too. The prize we have to keep our eyes on is a thriving democracy where everyone's needs are recognized, everyone's rights/freedoms are respected, and violence is never the answer.

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Thank-you. You are such a breath of fresh are and sensibility in a time that has little of either.

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Thank you for informing us of the details without editorializing. Yes, there's already conspiracies going around, and I'm ignoring them.

I have had a friend text me her conspiracy idea and told her to wait for more information before developing her beliefs. I hope she does.

My fear is the Overshight Committee will politicize this and cause more anger and lead to more violence. This, amongst many other reasons, is why we all have to vote this November. We, the public need to vote for reasonable people like Jeff Jackson to control congress to function reasonably.

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Thanks for effort...however..some things in your email do not make sense. I know two people who are ex-secret service..the perimeter for a president or former president is usually 500 feet...in any event..148 feet is ridiculous and clearly not a large enough perimeter..period!..Second..you state a sniper had the shooter in his sights so .. he clearly saw the guy..but decided to wait until the first shot?!!! Thirdly..if the sniper took the guy down after the first shot...how did so many people get hurt and why do witnesses clearly state hearing at least 5 to 8 shots...video footage supports this as well

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I don't think any of us here should be substituting our judgment for the judgment of the professionals who have access to almost infinite resources. Let the investigations proceed, and we'll get the answers in due course. Speculation and accusations don't solve problems.

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It's 148 YARDS, not feet.

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1). pennsylvania is an open carry state.

2). According to carol Lenig of the Washington post who wrote a book on the secret service and us deeply resourced, two of the four snippers were state/local law enforcement, not federal. With the RNC due to start its convention in 48 hours, resources were stretched thin. Terrible time to schedule an outdoor rally

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I recommend watching the WSJ video overview of this on YouTube. I don't know if they answer your exact questions however it's the only proper overview of what happened I've seen, with full video footage

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Tks..I'll do it

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Just watched it...does not answer my questions..the guy was in plain sight..guess they just weren't looking or ..."something"... It's just criminal for the SS not to have included that building with a direct line of sight to the podium...they really blew it and we are very fortunate the outcome was not worse

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Question is why didn’t they remove Trump immediately before any shots were fired off? Has Trump gone to a Hospital where an independent Doctor can actually look at his wound?

As we all ready know Trump has faked many things and lied many times. This is why so many people do not understand any of this or are credulous of the whole event. Terrible also that the House will “investigate” this. I think a separate independent council needs to be setup to actually investigate this and not become some partisan coverup!

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Thanks for reporting back. Agree that this was a huge failure on SS part

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The media questioning the motive of the shooter. What the hell. Let me thell them, A young guy gone crazy, in dire need of attention and notoriety, just like the nut, John Hinkley Jr., who attempted to kill President Ray Gun. Because in this country any one including nut cases can easily get a gun

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He said 148 yards, not feet.

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Note that Jeff mentioned 148 yards = 444 feet. So not as bad as 150 feet vs 500 feet, but still leaves us with question if 500 feet is their standard practice and was not followed here.

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my bad...thanks ... but even still....

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Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue...

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Thanks, Jeff. Voting for you for AG in North Carolina. Diane Howdeshell

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Diane Howdeshell

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We are so lucky to have you in congress. Thank you.

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Yes lead on and keep your chin up! There are still many good people on both sides of the political spectrum!

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