It’s time to end the Hastert Rule that has proven so destructive to by-partisanship. The position, after all, is the Speaker of the House and not of the majority party. So legislation that has majority support of all members should advance to a vote and no longer only bills that can be passed solely with the votes of the majority party. The only way to avoid being taken hostage by the extremists within your party is to appeal to the broad middle - which is, in fact, the true reflection of where the vast majority of Americans stand politically.

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Floor Action Response Team? Hands Off Our Home Appliance Act? Do magas not see how these spell out in the abbreviations???? My word the Putin faction of the GOP gets nothing done wastes precious time & $$$! Thanks for all you do, Jeff!! Good luck in NC!

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Fascinating and lucid commentary on this complex moment where the obstructionist majority party is so dysfunctional riven with their own dissidents. Irony will be if they pass with Democratic votes. Johnson then appears to be toast, which will be no great loss, he being a lunatic evangelistic Christian nationalist. Thx.

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Thank you for your updates, I appreciate the facts and lack of drama!! Looking forward to you being our new AG!

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Keep calling your Congress folks, even if they’re already a “yes” vote. Ask them not just to vote but to fight for our ally Ukraine. What this right-wing cult has done for six months is unconscionable. Grateful to you, Jeff, and to all others working and fighting to support 🇺🇦 Ukraine.

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Jeff, I am not a resident of your district, nor of your state. I have really appreciated your straight forward updates via email and also on social media. I only wish more members of Congress were as mature and honest as you. I'm sorry that your district was redrawn and you won't have a seat. Thanks for serving the people.

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Wouldn't it be interesting if every congress critter were obligated to write detailed and timely updates as you do, Jeff? I just upped my monthly contribution to you.

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Thanks Jeff! We've been praying for Ukraine, Gaza, Haiti & all who are suffering as well as our leaders. With the chaos all over the world, each of us can be more loving to all around. I just came home from visiting an ailing sister in NYC. I was never afraid & people were courteous. It is a beautiful world!

Thank you for these updates & your continued service! This country is a better place because of you.

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Maybe for the next speaker vote, some GOP will stay home and Hakeem Jeffries will win.

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It’s mind blowing that a significant number of Republicans in Congress are pro Russia. Ronald Reagan would be appalled.

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Jeff, it's time for the non-right flank to go ballistic! We, the American People are done with this. We are so tired of being held hostage by the likes of Marjorie Greene. In fact, you should lead the effort to kick her out of Congress. You guys got rid of George Santos, you can get rid of Greene too. And you, Jeff, are the person to lead that effort. Greene and her right-flank compatriots are the tools of Russia. They are traitors, plain and simple, betraying the interests of the U.S. in favor of those of Russia. They need to go!

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Thanks for this update and assessment. Please, Congress, do your freaking job and stop farting around! Oh, wait…

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Why is the right flank against aid to Ukraine? Is it just politics or is it Trump?

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Thanks Jeff, for making your message so understandable considering the Congressional labyrinths it takes to understand these bills. It would seem that the MAGA authoritarian wing of the party is more interested in serving it's own special interests rather than serving the majority of Americans. MAGA already has a lot of blood on their hands from the unnecessary deaths in the pandemic,to their anti abortion stances and the unnecessary deaths in the Ukraine. They are all callous and indifferent to the suffering of others.

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Thanks for the update. I strongly disagree with Mr. Johnson's politics, but since becoming Speaker I think he's behaved responsibly as a rational agent of government. The Democrats have an obligation to help him keep his post.

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Thanks for this particularly informative post. I really appreciate your support for Ukraine. It’s so important for freedom and US security. I hope that you can work with your colleagues to get it over the finish line. Thanks.

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