I am going to miss these updates. It's comforting to know that stuff does get done here and there in Congress and it's not all just third rate community theater with grossly incompetent actors and the director bound and gagged in a closet offstage.

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You've been a breath of fresh air. Please consider continuing in office once Congress gets over its hallucinations. You are pragmatic, honest, and caring - THANK YOU for your service.

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Hopefully He's going to be NC's AG!

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Jeff, I'm a big supporter and subscribe to your updates. I'm grateful for all you're doing to make our government work for us all, and will miss you in the House. But support your run for AG.

I also wanted to ask if you have been following the NC HB 237 that is proposing to delete the 2020 amendment to the original 1953 law, which exempts the ban for wearing masks for health and safety reasons. This is a horrible situation for vulnerable, at-risk citizens who need this accommodation to live as safely as possible, to seek healthcare and go about daily life. And also excludes healthy people who choose to protect themselves from airborne pathogens, allergens and pollution. Can you please respond publicly about this to show your support for ALL NC citizens? Thank you and I look forward to having you as our next AG!

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That one has to go down in flames. It’s just dumb.

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Another in a very long list of dumb things coming out of the legislature in Raleigh-sad

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May 22·edited May 22

My guess/assumption is that this would not stand up to a court challenge as it arguably violates ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) laws, which allow/require "reasonable accommodations" for people with disabilities. I'd be surprised if someone or some group isn't already preparing for a court challenge, although I haven't seen any public statements on this.

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Every time I get one of these emails from you, I get re-ticked off that you’ve been gerrymandered out of office. The very rare example of a congressperson doing what a congressman should do, and communicating like a congressperson should communicate. Sigh. Thank you, Jeff! Another donation on its way! Oh, and obviously you have the smartest staff around!

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Work/family balance seems be the subtext of every detective show I watch (I’m addicted). Maybe your staffers can help find a novel way to bring that into the campaign?

Congratulations on actually serving your constituents, big check and all! That’s why we need you as Attorney General!

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Thanks Jeff! People get so caught up in big national issues that we sometimes forgot the things we need that make our local community run. Keep up the good work. -Q

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I live in (Blue) Minnesota but follow your efforts and donate to your campaign. You’re the kind of candidate that I grew up admiring. As long as people like you step up and run for office, I feel there is hope for us to survive this dark period in our history. Keep up the good work, Jeff.

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Ditto me from Texas. 😊

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Jeff, I look forward to these emails and posts on Instagram. We don't have many representatives in Congress who take the time to do this. Not only does it keep us informed about what ya'll are doing up there, it also keeps us engaged. I think that's one thing you missed in your story. If that woman who spoke up about the pipeline hadn't taken the time to attend this meeting, and gotten the courage/determination to speak up, this may not have happened. Political engagement is sorely lacking in our communities. Thank you for helping us to engage. It's our only way out of this mess.

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Increasingly NC is becoming redder, but in NW NC Watauga County our local Democrat party is growing, including more local young men and women in party leadership roles in Raleigh. They return to Watauga periodically to engage with us, and we feel not just pride in their activism, but the hope they represent. Not only locally, but statewide.

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Hello, my name is Al Jones it's good you helped with pipe line. Drinking water is a big issue. I'm in Winston Salem, NC and I won't drink the facet water. I use a brita pitcher and my friends and family always ask for bottle water, because we have terrible drinking water. And the more people buy and drink bottle water, the more of a problem we have with plastic. If we had great drinking water... the less we have to depend on bottle water.

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I'm a precinct leader in my county (Wake) but out in the outer, unincorporated areas. As we have been canvassing in the past few weeks, depending on the neighborhood, we have had conversations with some (polite) Republicans, and they raised these kind of local and state issues. One guy is a farmer / landowner that is having issues around subdividing his land but can't due to some state level regulations. While my colleague chose wisely to just listen, what was apparent was this gentleman believes it's the Democrats fault. As you WELL know, Democrats haven't held the majority in NC state legislature for years, but we Dems are getting blamed for things. Here's the thing: based on what my fellow canvassing partner conveyed, we both could totally understand this gentleman's perspective. What we were saddened by is his perception that Dems did it. Even if we had, the other party could have easily over turned it since then. My point is, You Are Right - to win local and state elections, you have to talk about local and state humanly relatable problems, not just lofty "policies and issues". Not saying you don't, but I wonder if this isn't a big reason we have such a hard time locally and state-wide. Think Harvey Gantt - despite being a black man, he went out into the rural areas and talked to folks face-to-face, about their day to day, "sewer line" problems. I applaud you, but just saying. If you think it is worthy, please pass it on. I do NOT want to live in a state with Mark Robinson as Governor !!! I'd consider moving back to Ohio. BBbbbrrrrrrrr ....

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You should see the newsletter I get from my representative, Richard Hudson….. Nothing but doom and gloom and how bad things are… and guess what?. He’s a Republican, of course…. He sounds like trump and it’s simply not forward looking… I’ve been happy to get these newsletters from Jackson… this is what we expect from lawmakers and are NOT getting for the most part…. North Carolinians continue to vote AGAINST their own interests…. What gives??

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Thanks so much. You’re the best.

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Lmfao re the big check and the AI hallucination. JEFF JACKSON is the f’g best. And his staff ain’t bad either.

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I started a consulting firm to do this exact thing. And I work on contingency. If you're a small town, and you need help navigating SRF or any other water or sewer program, I'll do that for you. But if we don't win money, you pay me nothing. The problem is I am having trouble finding small towns that are on-board. They seem to all be content with the "hopes and prayers" method of infrastructure maintenance. Do you know any forward thinking towns that are ready to look the problem in the face? I'm a specialized tool... just need some nails to hammer.

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Just curious, what communities received the big checks? Keep up the good work. JB in Charlotte.

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Despite strong opposition, the North Carolina Senate voted this month to boost enrollment in privately run K-12 schools by doubling state funding for tuition subsidies called “opportunity scholarships.” More than $200 million is earmarked for kids in high-income families.

Why would Republican leaders do this now when polls show voters oppose subsidies for the rich? And when public schools clearly need those funds – North Carolina ranks 48th in per-pupil spending.

The answer is campaign money. GOP leaders are telling the billionaires financing a national movement to privatize public education that the General Assembly will take radical steps to prove that, as one senator said, “North Carolina is at the forefront of school choice and education freedom.”

It’s not about helping children. It’s about getting the money to win elections.

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So much double-speak in politics - the worst in my memory. You don’t have to be a genius to understand the goal line. With the power of the purse the red legislature can win every time.

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Did my half written, misspelled reply go out?

It got disappeared while I was in mid thought…

If not, my point was that every vote not cast, every write-in, or 3rd party vote gives 2 votes to the Republicans. The one we didn’t cast for the Democratic nominee, plus the one someone else cast for the Repugnant Republican nominee.

Are there some who believe that even the possibility of a fascist regime is worth the risk?

Vote democrat, vote for a democracy, because the next generation will have to live with the consequences of our choices for a long time.

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